Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Technology Integration Plan

In this lesson, students have the opportunity to think critically about the presence and purpose of text and form in fine, traditional arts, such as painting and drawing, as well as the commercial arts, for example t-shirt design.

The first row of my matrix illustrates the first phase of my lesson. My students would accomplish Standard 1.4.8.A.5 and NETS-S 1 through a combination of lecture, explanation, and participation. In order for my students to have the knowledge to think more critically about the elements and principles which directly affect the portrayal of text and form in art, I would begin by lecturing. The internet would support my own research for the lecture. I would use the Smartboard as an interactive way to explain and demonstrate the specific examples within each work; students would therefore have the opportunity to participate within the lecture. In my matrix I listed a document camera as being a technology which I would also utilize. This technology would be useful for showing examples of art which are print versions.

After providing my students with “access” to the concept of symbols and metaphors in artworks throughout history, I would aim, in row 2, for my students to accomplish Standard 1.1.8.D.1, Standard 1.2.8.A.3, and NETS-S 1 and 3. I would begin this stage of the lesson by conducting a short lecture as well, but only to exemplify for my students the intellectual and emotional meanings in some works of art. The class would then open to a critique/group discussion of artworks throughout history. Researched works would need a computer with internet access. A Smartboard would allow for hands-on demonstration and analysis of the works; it would be the key instrument in stimulating the critique/group discussion. The slide projector would be used perhaps at times in place of the Smartboard, when older, slide examples of art would be shown, as would the document camera. My students would then conduct their own research and present their findings to the class.

The evaluation portion of my matrix (row 3) focuses on Standard 1.3.8.D.3 and NETS-S 4 and 3. The strategies portion of my matrix in this row, which states the use of research and student collaboration, would be carried out through the research of various art genres and styles, and working in groups to identify the role of elements, principles, metaphors, and symbols in the researched art. Students would be able to utilize iPads for the research portion. In comparison to a stationary computer, an iPad would be easy for all members of a group to view and interact with. All students would be able to not only research works of art but also then be able to use the applications on the iPad to draw directly onto the work and analyze the work.

Row 4 of my matrix, titled “Produce”, focuses on Standard 1.3.8.D.6 and NETS-S 1 and 6 in which students would accomplish the ability to apply learned knowledge to create their own work exemplifying symbols or metaphors and elements or principles of art while using technology. While my students would choose what medium to use in order to create their work, I would demonstrate how to make a t-shirt print with silk screen. My students would watch and learn and would then have the opportunity to use this same process and medium or to use a separate medium, such as paint or pencil. The document camera could be used to give a close up view of the silk screen process. Students would have the opportunity to use the Inkling Digital Drawing Utensil and Computer to create a more graphic based project, and could then use Adobe Fireworks. The student collaboration portion of this part of the lesson would be completed through the creation of an online class art gallery; this would allow students to become familiar with art sharing websites.

The row in my matrix titled “Communicate” would be the end of my lesson. Through a class discussion students would have the opportunity to compare and contrast the overall changes in the meanings of works, as discussed in Standard 1.4.8.A.4. Students would then present in groups their research findings from the “analyze” section of the lesson. Each individual student would then have the opportunity to use a computer and scanner to show the class the work of art they created. The Smartboard would display the work and allow each student to interact with their own work and demonstrate the elements, principles, metaphors, and symbols present in their work.

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