Wednesday, May 2, 2012

2012 Education Technologies

Recently I read an intriguing article, "12 Education Trends to Watch in 2012," which forecasts the possible technology trends on the rise this year. While the article is not aimed at specific technologies, it discusses the overall types of technological learning in the classroom.

One trend discussed is "BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)" and it means exactly what it sounds like. Students are already inclined to bring their cell phones, iPads, laptops, and other technologies to school, so why not incorporate this into their education? Not only would this increase interest of students in academics, but it would also allow nearly all students to have the opportunity to use technology at one time. Students who have laptops, for example, would be given the option to use their own laptop in a class activity rather than using the school provided laptop, therefore making the school provided laptop available to a student who does not own their own. In order to best use technology in the classroom, I think it is important to think about the multiple benefits they can potentially have.

"Peer to Peer" technology inclusion is a topic discussed in the article which caught my eye. Using technology in co ordinance with this strategy is being called "social learning," and apparently will continue to become popular within classrooms in 2012. From my own personal education experience I can say that I have been a part of "peer to peer" technology inclusion strategies. Whether it be simply texting a classmate in order to decide on a meeting time and place for a group project, or utilizing video chatting to have a discussion with an expert in art who lives halfway around the world, this "peer to peer" strategy has positively affected me, and I will definitely strive to utilize such a strategy in my own classroom one day.

Overall this article discusses many technical issues that educators of 2012 will face while including technology in the classroom. From "bandwith issues" to trying to create the best and most useful "natural user interfaces," it seems that with every technological leap forward in the classroom we as teachers will need to plan ahead and do our best to tackle the technological malfunctions and issues which undoubtedly come with new technologies.

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