Wednesday, March 14, 2012

"Bully" Spring 2012 Documentary

Being an individual affected both directly and indirectly by bullying, I was very moved by this short preview of an upcoming documentary which focuses on bullying and the effects it has on kids. Bullying has always been present both in and out of schools, yet it does not receive nearly the amount of attention that is necessary for change. Are we doing enough to prevent tragedies such as that of Rutgers student Tyler Clementi, or of the 11 year old's suicide described in this documentary trailer? I strongly believe that the answer is no.

Although it is not apparent from the trailer, I am curious to see if the relationship between technology and bullying is addressed in this documentary. The ever-growing amount of youth who has access to the various types of technology has made bullying in the 21st century unique and much more challenging, I think, to fight. I think as teachers we need to be aware of the constantly changing face of bullying which is present in our society today. I think this documentary will show the brutally real effects of bullying, and rightfully show.


  1. Sarah-Ann thank you for sharing this very moving video with all of us. I agree with you when you say that more needs to be done to eliminate bullying in all schools. Too many children are being bullied in schools and unfortunately too many are taking desperate measures to escape the foul treatment that they receive on a day to day basis. As highlighted in the video, teachers and administrators are often overlooking extremely negative and unacceptable behavior and this must cease immediately. Parents and students must be heard and it is time to change this. Enough is enough.

    You rightfully bring up the correlation between bullying and technology and I feel that there is a need to examine this as well. Every year in my high school each student participated in a cyber-bullying seminar in math class which outlined the definition of cyber-bullying, how to identify it, and how to report/correct it.I believe that each high school in the nation should also require a similar seminar to ensure that no bullying occurs online because, as we have seen with Tyler Clementi, the consequences are dire.

  2. Sarah-Ann, what technological tools do you plan on using to prevent bullying in your classroom?
